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CTC Staff

CTC Executive

Very Rev Dr Kevin Lenehan
Senior Lecturer in
Systematic Theology
Contact the Master

Deputy Master
Dr Catherine Playoust
Senior Lecturer in
Biblical Studies
Contact the Deputy Master

Academic Dean
Rev Dr Simon Wayte MGL
Lecturer in Systematic Theology
Contact the Academic Dean

Postgraduate Coordinator
Dr Paul Sharkey
Head of Pastoral and Spiritual Studies Department (interim)
Honorary Lecturer in Religious Education
Contact the Postgraduate Coordinator

Associate Dean (Research)
Rev Dr Max Vodola
Head of Church History Department
Lecturer in Church History
Contact the Associate Dean (Research)

CTC Administration

Academic Records Office
Miss Jenny Delahunt 

Mrs Tharindi Fernando

Contact the Academic Records Office

The Academic Records Office maintains the enrolment, re-enrolment, results and financial information for each student at the College. The office is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm.

Executive Assistant
to the Master
Facilities Operations Officer
Ms Vi Panganiban

Contact the Executive Assistant to the Master

Contact Reception

Facilities Services include:

  • Room bookings in the Thomas Carr Centre
  • Car parking
  • Receiving and receipting audit fees

Learning Support Officer
To Be Advised

Contact the Learning Support Officer

For more information visit our Student Support page

Building Operations Officer
Mr Martin Green

Contact Reception

Building Services include:

  • Receiving reports of general maintenance needs
  • Emergency Management, First Aid and Sick Bay


Department of Philosophy
Department Head: Dr Callan Ledsham
Rev. Dr Chris Mulherin 
Honorary Lecturers
Most Rev. Assoc. Prof. Shane Mackinlay DD
Rev. Dr John Martis SJ
Prof. Jānis Ozoliņš
Department of Biblical Studies
Department Head: Rev. Dr Kris Sonek OP 
Dr Rosemary Canavan 
Br Dr Paul Creevey FMS
Dr Catherine Playoust 
Rev. Dr Paul Rowse OP 
Rev. Trevor Tibbertsma
Honorary Lecturers
Very Rev. Dr Brian Boyle EV
Rev. Prof. Francis J. Moloney SDB AM
Department of Church History
Department Head: Rev. Dr Max Vodola
Rev. Michael Buck
Assoc. Prof. Adam Cooper (On Leave)
Rev. Dr Christopher Dowd OP
Department of Pastoral and Spiritual Studies
Department Head: Dr Paul Sharkey (Interim)
Coordinator: To Be Advised
Rev. Dr Elio Capra SDB
Pastoral Theology
Coordinator: To Be Advised
Ms Sheree Limbrick
Rev. Dr Jacob Mudge
Honorary Lecturers
Em. Prof. Margaret O’Connor AM
Religious Education
Coordinator: Dr Denise Goodwin OAM
Br Dr Paul Creevey FMS
Very Rev. Dr Kevin Lenehan
Honorary Lecturers
Rev. Dr Brendan Reed
Dr Paul Sharkey
Coordinator: To Be Advised
Rev. Assoc. Prof. John Dupuche 
Honorary Lecturers
Dr Christopher Knauf
Rev. Dr Daniel Szewc OMI
Department of Systematic Theology
Department Head: Dr Birute Arendarcikas RSM
Dr Frances Baker RSM
Rev. Michael Buck
Rev. Dr Elio Capra SDB
Rev. Dr Paul Connell
Assoc. Prof. Adam Cooper (On Leave)
Rev. Dr Phillip Gleeson SDB
Very Rev. Dr Kevin Lenehan
Rev. Dr Jacob Mudge
Rev. Dr Anthony Ngoc Dung Nguyen SDB
Rev. Brian Nichols
Rev. Dr Jerome Santamaria
Rev. Dr Joseph Vnuk OP
Rev. Dr Simon Wayte MGL 
Moral Theology and Canon Law
Coordinator: Very Rev. Dr Cameron Forbes
Dr Frances Baker RSM
Honorary Lecturers
Rev. Dr Justin Glyn SJ
Rev. Kevin McGovern
Rev. Dr Ai Pham SJ
Very Rev. Prof. Ian Waters
Emeritus Professors

An Emeritus Professor is appointed by the UD Council in accordance with Regulation 40. The following Emeritus Professor is affiliated with CTC:

Rev. Em. Prof. Brendan Byrne SJ BA(Hons) (Melb) BDiv(Hons) (MCD) MA (Melb) DPhil (Oxon)
Honorary Researchers

University of Divinity appoints Honorary Research Fellows and Associates who contribute to the University’s research activities in collaboration with one of the University’s Colleges.

The following Honorary Researchers are affiliated with CTC: 

Emeritus Professors
Rev. Em. Prof. Brendan Byrne SJ
Honorary Research Fellows
Dr Robert Dixon
Rev. Dr  Dinh Anh Nhue Nguyen OFM Conv.
Prof. Richard Rymarz
Prof. Ruth Webber 
Honorary Research Associates
Dr Trudy Dantis 
Dr Aaron Lane
Mr Eric Torres
Senior Fellows

The position of Senior Fellow was instituted in 2004. Senior Fellows are members or former members of the academic staff of Catholic Theological College who have distinguished themselves by their contribution to theological education or who have rendered exceptional service to Catholic Theological College.


Rev. Dr John Begley SJ was the inaugural Senior Fellow. From 1975, he lectured in philosophy at CTC as well as at the United Faculty of Theology (1978) and at Yarra Theological Union (1983). Master of CTC (1983-85), his period of office was characterised by an openness to students which was greatly appreciated. In his retirement years Dr Begley continued writing in philosophy, until his death in 2010.


Rev. Prof. Austin Cooper OMI AM headshot

Rev. Prof. Austin Cooper OMI AM was the foundation Master of Catholic Theological College (1972-1976) and served two further terms as Master (1992-1994, 1998-2002). His academic disciplines were church history and spirituality, and his doctoral thesis on the Oxford Movement and Australia placed him among the foremost authorities on Cardinal John Henry Newman. In 1975 he became the first Catholic President of the Melbourne College of Divinity (now University of Divinity), and in 1990 he was made a Fellow of the MCD. In 2004 he was made a Member in the General Division of the Order of Australia for services to theological education. He died on 2 July 2023 and is remembered with great respect and affection by staff and students at Catholic Theological College.

Rev. Dr Norman Ford SDB headshot

Rev. Prof. Norman Ford SDB has joined the academic staff at Catholic Theological College in 1975, where he taught and supervised research in ethics and philosophy. He was the foundation Head of the Philosophy Department (1975-2006) and was Master of Catholic Theological College (1986-1991). He won world-wide recognition for his scholarship in the field of bio-ethics, had an outstanding publications record, and was a regular participant and invited speaker at international conferences. He was the Foundation Director of the Caroline Chisholm Centre for Health Ethics in East Melbourne. He was President of the Melbourne College of Divinity (now University of Divinity) (1991-1993), and in 2001 was made a Fellow of the MCD. He died on 25 June 2022 and is remembered with great respect and affection by staff and students at Catholic Theological College.


Rev. Dr Peter Cross headshot

Rev. Dr Peter Cross was a member of the systematic theology department at Catholic Theological College from 1977 to 2005. He represented the Catholic Church on both the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (1991-2006) and the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (2001-2006).

He was President of the Victorian Council of Churches (1987-89), and an executive member of the Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria).

He died on 17 June 2006 and is remembered with great respect and affection by staff and students at Catholic Theological College.

Dr B. Rod Doyle CFC headshot

Dr Rod Doyle CFC was a member of academic staff at Catholic Theological College from 1984, where he taught and supervised research in biblical studies and also taught New Testament Greek. For twenty-two years he was Academic Dean of the College. Before coming to the College he taught at CBC, St George’s Terrace, Perth, CBC St Kilda, the Christian Brothers’ Juvenate, Bundoora, and Cathedral College, East Melbourne (1950-62, 69). He was also Director of the Second Year of Formation for the Christian Brothers (1970-75) and a Team member at the National Pastoral Institute of Religious Education (1976-1980). Br Doyle conducted study tours in the biblical lands, and published articles in journals such as Pacifica, Revue Biblique, Compass, Word in Life, and East Asian Pastoral Review, as well as numerous book reviews. He died on 30 July 2016 and is remembered with great respect and affection by staff and students at Catholic Theological College.


Rev. Peter Kenny headshot

Monsignor Dr Peter Kenny lectured at Catholic Theological College in systematic theology and canon law from 1972 to 1992, in particular, ecclesiology and ecumenism. He has given distinguished service to the Church and its unity in the field of ecumenical dialogue and has represented the Catholic Church in inter-faith dialogue. From the early 1980’s he has been the Archbishop of Melbourne’s Episcopal Vicar for Ecumenical and Inter-faith Relations and for the same period Chairman of the Archdiocese of Melbourne Commission for Ecumenical and Inter-faith Relations. He is also a member of the Executive of the Victorian Council of Churches. In June 2006 the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, appointed him a Prelate of Honour.


Rev. Dr Ian Waters EV headshot

Very Rev. Prof. Ian Waters has lectured in canon law at Catholic Theological College since 1991 and has been Head of the Department of Moral Theology and Canon Law. He has been a member of Academic Board since 1993 and a member of the College’s Senate since 1998. He was the Judicial Vicar of the Catholic Tribunal for Victoria and Tasmania during 1979-2015, is still a judge of that Tribunal, and was a Judge of the Catholic Tribunal of Appeal for Australia and New Zealand during 1976-2011. His scholarship is reflected in more than one hundred publications, mainly specialised works in international canon law journals. He is a former President of the Canon Law Society of Australia and New Zealand. He has served as a Trustee and Director of St John of God Healthcare Australia and Calvary Ministries, and as a consultant on Catholic governance at an international level.


Rev. Prof. Francis J. Moloney SDB headshot

Rev. Prof. Francis J Moloney SDB AM is a member of the Department of Biblical Studies and lectures on the Gospel of John. He is a priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco and was the Provincial Superior of the Salesians of Don Bosco for Australia and the Pacific region. He was a member of the Senate of Catholic Theological College, and is an elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. In 1992 he was made a Member of the Order of Australia for services to religion.


Rev. Dr Paul Connell headshot

Rev. Dr Paul Connell is a member of the Department of Systematic Theology and lectures on the following: God: Origin and End and Jesus Christ: Revealer of the Triune God. He commenced lecturing at Catholic Theological College in 1980. He was Rector of Corpus Christi College from 1993-1997. He held the position of Deputy Master at Catholic Theological College from 1998-2007, and was Head of Department, serving on the Academic Board.

He was also a member of the Postgraduate Board of Studies of the Melbourne College of Divinity (now University of Divinity) from 1995-2003.

Bishop Terence Curtin headshot

Most Rev. Dr Terence Curtin DD was the Head of the Department of Systematic Theology and lectured on The Sacrament of Orders: History and Theology. He was Master of Catholic Theological College from 2003-2010. He became Head of the School of Theology (Victoria) for Australian Catholic University in 1996 and in 1999 became Chair of the Board of the national Sub-Faculty of Philosophy and Theology. Since 2014 he has been an auxiliary bishop of Melbourne.


Rev. Dr Michael McEntee headshot

Rev. Dr Michael McEntee is a member of the Department of Pastoral and General Studies and lectures on The Art of Preaching. He has been associated with Catholic Theological College since the 1970s (except during his five years lecturing in Papua New Guinea). He has demonstrated a continued commitment to academic, pastoral and spiritual formation of students and has supported and encouraged developments within the theological program of Catholic Theological College, through Australia and internationally (including Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Pakistan).


Dr Frances Baker RSM headshot

Dr Frances Baker RSM has been on the academic staff of CTC since 2003, offering a range of units in moral theology, systematic theology, and church history. She has exercised leadership at CTC with great dedication and high competence, most notably as Deputy Master of the College in 2007-2018 and Acting Master in the first half of 2019, but also as coordinator of the Graduate Certificate in Teaching Religious Education and as a past Head of the Department of Moral Theology and Canon Law. In July 2019 she became Academic Dean of Corpus Christi College, caring for its seminarians in relation to their CTC studies. Her service for the University of Divinity has included being Deputy Chair of its Academic Board. Before coming to CTC, Sr Frances taught at Australian Catholic University and Jesuit Theological College, having completed her doctorate at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Prior to this, she was a school principal for Catholic schools in Victoria. In addition to her research activities in moral theology and her services for Mercy Health, Sr Frances is notable for her presentations to groups of clergy, religious and schoolteachers throughout Victoria and beyond.

Frank O'Loughlin headshot

Rev. Dr Frank O’Loughlin served on the academic staff of CTC from 1977 to 1996, teaching units in systematic theology and liturgy, following doctoral studies at the Pontifical Urban University and further study at the Irish Institute of Pastoral Liturgy. During this time, he was also the director of the Melbourne Diocesan Liturgical Centre (for which he developed printed and audio-visual resources) and was on the formation staff of Corpus Christi College. Fr Frank was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Melbourne in 1969 and has served in several parishes, most notably as Parish Priest of Sandringham in 2000-2020. Fr Frank has lectured extensively in dioceses throughout Australia and New Zealand on liturgical, theological and pastoral topics and has given retreats to diocesan and religious priests. He was a theological adviser to the Royal Commission on the sacrament of penance. His publications have been used widely by Catholic educators and parish pastoral leaders, in particular those on the practice of the Eucharist and on the impact of social change in Australia on the Church’s pastoral mission.

Page last updated at 4:57pm on 26 December 2024