As a College of the University of Divinity, CTC draws its governance from the Catholic hierarchy of Victoria and Tasmania and affiliated religious institutes in their desire to provide for the education of clergy and laity in the mission of the Church.
The Senate is the governing body of Catholic Theological College and comprises the residential bishops of Victoria and Tasmania, the provincials of religious orders whose seminaries are affiliated with the College, the Master, the Deputy Master, two representatives of the Academic Board, and up to six appointed members.
Most Rev. Peter A. Comensoli DD | Archbishop of Melbourne, President |
Most Rev. Julian Porteous DD | Archbishop of Hobart |
Most Rev. Gregory Bennet DD | Bishop of Sale |
Most Rev. Paul Bird CSsR DD | Bishop of Ballarat |
Most Rev. Assoc. Prof. Shane Mackinlay DD | Bishop of Sandhurst |
Very Rev. David Blowey OFM Conv. | Provincial Delegate, Conventual Franciscan Friars |
Very Rev. Andrew Chen OMI | Provincial, Oblates of Mary Immaculate |
Very Rev. Stephen Fletcher MGL | Moderator, Missionaries of God’s Love |
Very Rev. Peter Hoang SDB | Provincial, Salesians of Don Bosco |
Very Rev. George Kolodziej SDS | Regional Superior, Australian Salvatorians |
Very Rev. Dominic Murphy OP | Provincial, Dominican Friars |
Very Rev. Quyen Vu SJ represented by Rev. Assoc. Prof. Dan Madigan SJ | Provincial, Australian Jesuits |
Very Rev. Dr Kevin Lenehan | Master |
Dr Catherine Playoust | Deputy Master |
TBA | Elected by Academic Staff |
TBA | Elected by Academic Staff |
Ms Audrey Brown | Appointed Member (2018 – 25) |
Mr Tim Coyne | Appointed Member (2019 – 25) |
Rev. Dr Cameron Forbes | Appointed Member (2023 – 26) |
Prof. Mary Galea AM | Appointed Member (2019 – 25) |
Emeritus Prof. Anne Hunt OAM FACE | Appointed Member (2017 – 26) |
Academic Committee
The Academic Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of academic policy regarding learning, teaching and research, within the framework of UD policies and regulations.
Very Rev. Dr Kevin Lenehan | Master |
Dr Catherine Playoust | Deputy Master |
Rev. Dr Simon Wayte MGL | Academic Dean |
Rev. Dr Max Vodola | Associate Dean (Research) |
Dr Amy Isham | Library Manager |
Dr Callan Ledsham | Head of Philosophy Department |
Rev. Dr Kris Sonek OP | Head of Biblical Studies Department |
Rev. Dr Max Vodola | Head of Church History Department |
Dr Birute Arendarcikas RSM | Head of Systematic Theology Department |
Dr Paul Sharkey | Head of Pastoral & Spiritual Studies Department (Interim) |
Rev. Dr Jake Mudge | Elected by Academic Staff |
Rev. Dr Chris Mulherin | Elected by Academic Staff |
Em. Prof. Margot Hillel OAM | External Member |
Rev. Dr Christopher Monaghan CP | External Member |
Sr Stephanie Sullivan MGL | Elected by the students |
Br Adrian Sura MGL | Elected by the students |
In 1971, the Archdioceses and Dioceses of Victoria and Tasmania, the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, the Salesians of Don Bosco, the Missionary Society of St Paul, the Society of St Paul (Publications) and the Confraternity of Christ the Priest agreed to act together in a confederated body in academic matters. In 1972, the central body of this federation was then formed and is known as Catholic Theological College. In 1973, the College became a College of the University of Divinity, which was then known as the Melbourne College of Divinity. Since then, six other Religious Institutes have become affiliated members of the College: the Conventual Franciscan Friars (1996), the Dominican Friars (2009), the Missionaries of God’s Love (2014), the Jesuits (2016) and the Salvatorians (2017). The Society of St Paul (Publications) and the Confraternity of Christ the Priest have ceased to be affiliated members of the College. To read the whole Constitution, click the button below.