Master’s Welcome
It is my honour to present to you this information relating to the 2025 Academic Year at Catholic Theological College.
Catholic Theological College (CTC), a college of the University of Divinity, is a community of learning and research in a range of fields associated with the Christian tradition. It offers opportunities for critical reflection, deeper understanding and exploring ways this tradition can contribute to our contemporary world. We offer studies in philosophy and theology, church history and scripture, spirituality and pastoral studies. Teachers can take initial and continuing studies in religious education and Catholic mission.
CTC brings together a stimulating and supportive mix of private students, men and women religious, and those preparing for the priesthood, with students of all ages and backgrounds. Some attend just a few lectures for personal interest and professional development, others complete undergraduate or postgraduate awards, with growing numbers pursuing research in masters or doctoral degrees.

CTC faculty are highly qualified and internationally recognised in their fields.
You may wish to audit lectures for personal interest, participate in professional development offerings, undertake undergraduate or postgraduate awards, or pursue higher research. CTC offers a wide range of in person, online and blended learning options.
At the heart of CTC is the Mannix Library, which continues to add new scholarly resources to a collection that has been built up over one hundred years. Its collection of books, journals and archival materials is surrounded by open and airy study spaces, which encourage its users to ‘take up and read’ (Tolle Lege, St Augustine), as the College motto suggests. It continues to add new digital and print resources and provides information services to students and faculty.
Graduates of the College will use their knowledge and skills in interpreting Christian texts and traditions, in pastoral ministry and spiritual care, in Christian discipleship and the Gospel mission for a just and inclusive society, and to enhance their employment in ministry, education, health, welfare and chaplaincy.
To all of you – enquirers, beginning students and returning students, researchers and auditors – I extend a warm welcome to the learning community that is Catholic Theological College.