Dr Christopher William Morris
29 April 1969 – 16 April 2024
Catholic Theological College, University of Divinity is deeply saddened by the sudden and unexpected passing of our colleague, teacher and friend, Dr Christopher William Morris, who died on Tuesday 16 April 2024. Chris’ recent positions at CTC have been Senior Lecturer in Christian Spirituality and Head of Department of Pastoral and Spiritual Care.

After some years’ teaching in Catholic secondary schools, Chris worked as a curriculum advisor with the Catholic Education Office Melbourne. In 2014 he joined the CTC faculty, lecturing in the field of Christian Spirituality while completing his doctoral dissertation entitled The Cross Now Rooted Breaks In Bloom: A Study of Bruno Barnhart’s Wisdom Knowing and Wholeness in Christian Life. Chris was nominated a Vice-Chancellor’s Scholar in his graduating class of 2021. Working closely with the late Rev Professor Austin Cooper OMI, Chris began coordinating the Christian Spirituality courses at CTC, as well as the Graduate Certificate in Teaching Meditation, a program developed in conjunction with Catholic Education agencies to assist teachers in the nurturing of students’ spiritual life.

Chris was a transformational educator, whose impact on faculty colleagues and students will be long remembered. He had a passion for all dimensions of Christian spirituality, its history, practice, experience, artistic and cultural expression. And he was highly skilled in leading others into a new appreciation of their personal spiritual dimension as well as the rich resources of spiritual life to be found in the Christian tradition. Chris was developing research interests arising from his doctoral work on wisdom traditions and the relationship between Christian meditation and mindfulness, and had recently worked on the intersection of trauma studies and spirituality.
Chris served on many committees and panels of CTC and the University of Divinity. He was a member of the CTC Academic Board for several years. He has contributed to University panels on Supervised Theological Field Education, on Wellbeing and Flourishing, and the development of spiritual care awards. He is a fondly-regarded colleague across the colleges and schools of the University and beyond.

Chris was a Board Member of the International Relations Committee of the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality, a Member of the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality, a Member of Meditation Association of Australia. His long involvement in Christian meditation circles has led to many close friendships in various communities, including the Sancta Sophia Meditation Community in Melbourne.
The Senate, Staff and Students of Catholic Theological College, and the entire community of the University of Divinity, extend our profound sympathy and prayerful support to Chris’ wife, Louise, his beloved daughters Evie and Agatha, and his siblings Liz, Stephen (deceased), John, Jane, Pauline, Margie and Tom and their families. We will deeply miss Chris’ personal and academic presence, his creativity and enthusiasm, his care and humour.

You might like to view or read the following by Christopher Morris:
Rev. Assoc. Prof. John Dupuche says
My eulogy at Chris’s’s funeral, 26 April, 2023, St Ambrose Church, Brunswick
We wish to thank you, Chris, here in the presence of your God and our God, of your Father and our Father. In this church, where you came so often for communion, we are in communion with you, even as you lie still. And we wish to stay in communion with you, wherever our futures may lead. For we love you.
Last Friday, at Mass in the chapel of Catholic Theological College, when we were invited to speak briefly about you, the word ‘beautiful’ came up again and again. Your mind is beautiful, your heart is beautiful, your whole personality is beautiful.
I wish to thank you personally also. Over the thirty or so years I have known you, I felt we were kindred spirits. We could share insights and projects, dreams and questions, such as is possible with only a few people.
Thanks for showing us the photo where you cradle your new-born daughter. You are wrapped in contemplation, in wonder and blessedness, amazed at the vulnerable life entrusted to your care. This photo captures the essence of Centering Prayer which you promoted so widely.
Thanks also for your astuteness and discernment. As a long-distance runner, barefoot, you knew how to pace yourself and where to plant your feet. That is, you knew which steps to take in any project, and when to wait, when to speak and when to be silent.
You went from strength to strength, from teaching at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels, to being education officer of the RE team at Catholic Education Melbourne, from being on the board of the School of Prayer and at ACU to being head of department at CTC. Thank you for your energy and humility, for your abiding courtesy and imagination.
Dear Louise and Evie and Agatha, we undertake to assist you in any way you wish, at whatever point on the journey that lies ahead of you. Please call on us.
And Chris, pray for us, as we will for you, that we may merrily meet again, when you return with Christ Jesus, with Austin Cooper your mentor and friend and with all the saints.
Till then, Chris, fare well. Fare very, very well !
Anne Mallaby says
How heavy our hearts with this sad news. Chris was such a wise and gentle man, carefully and generously offering insight and thoughtful input. He was a wonderful colleague, with that wondrous mix of warm respect and friendly banter. Your contribution to my life, as to so many others was rich indeed! You helped define Pastoral and Spiritual Care in such a way that honoured the experience of God for each person. Thank you.
To Louise and family, we really do know but through a glass dimly! May you discover your path through these troubled days.
Rest in love, dear Chris.
Anne, Whitley College
Simon Wayte says
Chris, you were always so willing to help in so many ways here at the College, and your great skills and care for the students will be sorely missed. It is still hard to believe you are not here. I am praying for the repose of your soul and for the Lord’s consolation for Louise, Agatha, Evie and all your family. Blessings, Simon
Phil Daughtry and Kirsten Macaitis says
To Louise and Family
We had the immense privilege of convening the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality International Conference with Chris last year (July 2023). The many months of organisation leading up to the conference and the event itself were a joy; Chris was a kind, thoughtful, generous, and wise colleague. He had a passion for his craft, a curiosity for learning, a humility of self, and a love of the Lord which permeated every conversation. He spoke often and warmly about his family. We will treasure the times we spent in his company in preparation, prayer, and collegiality for many years to come. We deeply lament the loss of his presence and work.
We are so sorry for your devastating loss. We pray that you will know the deep presence of Jesus the wounded consoler as you journey through the valleys of grief.
Vale Chris, you will be deeply missed.
Romans 8:38-39
Dr Kirsten Macaitis and Dr Phil Daughtry
Lucy Vassallo says
Chris, you led so many of us to experience the loving presence of God in the simple things of life. I completed my Christian Meditation course with you. It was a time when my relationship with God was deepened through your witness and teaching. Many Catholic schools now have the practice of Christian Meditation in their schools and for many of these schools, you were their guide and inspiration.
My prayers and thoughts are with your wife, daughters and family at this time.
You are now in God’s embrace. Never forgotten. RIP.
Ayanthi Perera says
I am deeply saddened to hear about Dr. Chris’ sudden death. I studied Christian Spirituality and Meditation under Chris in 2020 and 2021. Chris was my supervisor for my meditation sessions. He was greatly encouraging of my ministry. He supported me with great generosity, with his time, with resources for my meditation practice and gentle guidance. I will miss him in my ministry life greatly. Sending you my deepest condolences and prayers to Louise, Evie and Agatha.
Rest in peace Chris. Prayers and blessings!
Rosemary Canavan says
Chris, it is still hard to believe you are no longer here. I keep expecting to bump into you in the corridor, find you in your office or teaching in the room next door. You are still very present and my heart and soul are glad that you are with us in so many ways. The privilege to know you and walk a while with you as colleague and friend is both gift and legacy for me.
Love and peace to Louise, Agatha and Evie and all Chris’ family and friends, colleagues and students, indeed, to everyone whose life was touched by Chris’ presence.
” I thank my God every time I remember you” (Phil 1:3)
Kirsten Macaitis says
To Louise and Family
I had the immense privilege of convening the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality International Conference with Chris and Phil Daughtry last year. The months of organisation leading up to the conference and the event itself were a joy; Chris was a kind, thoughtful, generous, and wise colleague. He had a passion for his craft, a curiosity for learning, a humility of self, and a love of the Lord which permeated every conversation. We led communion together during the conference which was an immense privilege. I will treasure the times we spent in preparation, prayer and collegiality for many years to come, while lamenting the loss of his presence and work.
I am so sorry for your loss. Praying that you will know our lord’s deep presence with you in the days, weeks and months ahead.
Vale Chris, you will be deeply missed.
Romans 8:38-39
Mary Selar says
Chris was my lecturer for two Units last year. He was such a gentle soul, who only ever had words of encouragement. He possessed such a deep wisdom and an incredible love of his faith. His calming voice will be missed by many. There is no doubt he has had a deep and lasting impact on all of our lives. May God hold Chris in his loving arms and comfort all of his family, colleagues and friends. Truly a true gentleman.
Rev Dr Michael O'Sullivan, SJ says
I was deeply saddened and taken aback by Chris’ unexpected death. We met at an international Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality (SSCS) conference in Zurich in 2017 and got on well together. Following that meeting I nominated him for membership of the International Relations Committee of SSCS (of which I was a founding member). Our contact after that was online as I am in Ireland. But we met again in person in Adelaide where he was a member of the SSCS international conference that took place there in July 2023 and where I participated as the then VP of the Society. Speaking now as President of SSCS I want to express the gratitude and appreciation of our Society for the great work Chris was doing to advance the study and practice of spirituality as a relatively new discipline in university settings. It was wonderful to know the great work he was doing in Australia and he will be sadly missed. My first act on becoming President of SSCS in San Antonio in November 2023 was to ask the members at our annual meeting in person there to pray in silence for Austin Cooper whom I had come to know more about during my stay in Australia. Chris had stepped into Austin’s shoes as a very worthy successor and those of us in the field of Christian spirituality in higher education settings looked forward to the ways he would advance the discipline in Australia and beyond. I extend my deepest sympathy from across the miles in Ireland to Louise, and their beloved daughters, Evie and Agatha, and to Chris’ siblings and their families, and his many friends and colleagues. You are in our hearts, minds, and prayers. I have offered Mass, Louise, for your intentions. May Chris be received by the eternal love of the Risen Christ and may you and your daughters be stengthened by faith, family, and friends at this time of such pain and loss. Fr Michael O’Sullivan, SJ
Bill Attard says
Chris was a delight to work with. A mindful leader and friend. He understood his personal, spiritual and professional life as a vocation. Hence he lived, felt and worked intensely …lovingly. When I picture Chris in my imagination I am drawn into his expansiveness, kindness, attentiveness, deep listening, faith-filled vision, curiosity… A huge hug to Louise and the family. In solidarity. Bill Xxx
Mary Ann says
Prayers of love and sympathy go out to Chris’s family, the CTC family and students like me who were enriched by Chris’ deep spirituality. Thank you for the blessing you were, Chris and the inspiration you gave. Rest in Peace. +
Bei-En says
Dear Louise, Agatha and Evie,
I’m a new student at CTC, and so unlike many others, I didn’t know Chris well. But I learnt to recognise him by his bright green jumper walking around the corridors of CTC. Chris was so loved by his students: every one of them raved about his subjects and told me to enrol in them at any cost.
Last year I was one of the student representatives to Academic Board Meetings. These meetings are with the Master and all the Heads of Department, and held in a huge, glistening boardroom. I remember fronting up to the first meeting with these senior staff members and feeling nervous and awkward. I didn’t know where to sit, what to do or say. Chris noticed immediately and eased my anxiety with a joke and a broad smile from across the table. It was such a powerful gift – his welcome, and I learnt from him that day about how to pay generous attention. Remembering it now still makes me teary.
We hold you in our prayers.
Jacqueline Lewis says
I was privileged to have had Christopher teach me Christian Spirituality for two Semesters in 2023, finishing in October 2023. The careful, considerate and constructive feedback on my written assignments, provided to me from Christopher was enlightening, thoughtful and appreciated. The short academic journey with Christopher and encouragement given to me will remain with me. May Christopher rest in peace.
Trish Spiteri says
Very saddened by the passing of Chris Morris. He was my lecturer of Teaching Meditation and Prayer last year. Learnt so much from him and his teaching. May his soul rest in peace. Will certainly say a prayer for him when practicing Lectio Divina.
Gavin Bucknell says
Deeply saddened to of the passing of Chris. Our children went to the same primary school and high school.
I’ll miss the opportunity to have a quiet chat after Mass mate. Rest easy and in the Lords embrace.
Fadi Elbarbar says
Rest in Peace Chris. Your guidance when I first met you as a young RE Teacher in your role at the CEO helped me become a better teacher and many of the lessons I learnt from you are part of my daily practice. The last time we spoke, your gentle, caring, and loving nature – despite almost ten years passing was incredible. Thank you for inspiring me to pursue my PhD, and offering your support and guidance. I will be praying for your family.
Sally Op't Hoog says
Thank you, dear Chris, for touching my life with all you taught. You were an encourager with so much gentleness and positivity. I will take through life the skills you emparted. Thank you.
Oliver-Jonathan Bajon says
Rest in Peace Chris! You will surely be missed. You were a great professor in my Pastoral Studies class along with Fr Jacob Mudge!
May you rest in Peace in God’s loving embrace
Claire Forbes & Joanna Giannes says
What a gift Chris was, to his family, his community, humanity and to us his students.
Through his presence Chris’s being personified what an Anam Cara could look like in an Educator. He was a transformational educator who with the lightest touch accompanied us into our own spiritual inquiry.
His gentleness, kindness, compassion and understanding is and will always be remembered.
Our deepest condolences to Chris’s family and friends, may his memory be eternal.
“The important thing is to find that spark, that light, that fire, within our heart and within our mind which is full of an unconditional hope, an unconditional confidence in God’s presence and God’s action in this world…and to light a path toward the discovery of divine energies that dwell within human hearts and bodies, waiting to be released so that they may converge into a single flame..”
Thankyou for your gift of wisdom, Chris, and your bright flame, igniting in us the fire to continue the incredible work you had started.
Blessings and love
Joanna Giannes and Claire Forbes
Leonie says
To Louise and family my heartfelt condolences. I cannot begin to imagine the loss you are feeling.
As a colleague at Catholic Education and friend I am grateful that our paths crossed. Thank you for your wisdom, guidance and teaching me about the beauty of the spirituality journey. I will miss our coffee catch ups. Rest peacefully my friend.
Jocelyn Dunbar says
I am saddened to hear about the loss of Dr Christopher. I am deeply and sincerely sorry for your loss.
Jeffrey Charles Olsen says
This is sad for every one. Galations 5.16 “Live by the spirit, I say (St Paul)…”.
Paul says
To Louise and Family,
My deepest sympathies to you on the sudden loss of Chris. I can only imagine how heart breaking this must be. I benefitted from his friendship and collegial support over the past 15 years and admired his passion for teaching and research in Christian Spirituality and Meditation, in parishes, schools and other communities. His name literally means “Christ-bearer” and Chris’s work and witness certainly helped to foster a Christian presence and spirit to those of us privileged to know him.
My heart goes out for you and I pray that God will hold him and each of you close during these sad days until we all meet Chris again in Christ.
Michael D’Costa says
I am deeply saddened by the untimely death of Dr.Chris Morris. I am a new student of CTC and have not had the privilege to meet with him personally, however, his achievements speak a volume of the person, many are going to miss.
May God bring peace to his wife louise and their Children and the extended family , friends and students you knew him , at this very difficult time.
May his soul rest in peace.
Adam says
Such a tragic loss to us all. Chris was always the quiet, calm, approachable presence on the ground floor. His absence will long be palpable. We will all miss this respected colleague, inspiring teacher, passionate athlete, devoted servant of Christ. “By his wounds, we are healed.”
Matt says
Chris holds an irreplaceable position in my heart, a place he may never fully comprehend. His impact on my life and spiritual journey remains profound and enduring.
Beyond his role as a teacher, Chris exemplified the essence of kindness and empathy. Despite his hectic schedule, he consistently made time for me, patiently addressing my endless inquiries and providing invaluable spiritual guidance. Through his mentorship, my understanding of Christian spirituality deepened, and more significantly, he empowered me to integrate it into my personal relationship with God.
Chris’s essence radiated beauty and compassion. His influence on my life is immeasurable.
You will be greatly missed.
Helen Gonzales says
To Louise and family,
I was a student of Chris on two Christian Spirituality classes. Chris was a very good supportive professor. He taught and helped me to create a home retreat and Christian meditation. It was a shocked that he passed but now he is in God’s loving hands. Deepest sympathy to the family. I will miss him too. He ever mentioned your name Louise in class. I guess you are his inspiration. Take care. I’ll pray for him and the family.
Lovingly yours,
Helen Gonzales
Theology Student CTC
Rita says
With disbelief, shock and sadness yet immense gratitude for your Spirituality, spiritual direction and class support for all your students. A kind, humble, generous and soft-spoken lecturer, friend, and exceptional human being who will be sadly missed by all. Rest in peace Doc Chris. +
Jenny says
Chris, you were a colleague, a friend, a confidante. You tried to get me interested in running (it did not work), and unfortunately, I have forgotten everything you taught me about poaching eggs in the microwave. I remember us laughing together, debating on a range of topics including who was Vera’s best assistant. I miss you tremendously.