MACS Leadership and Religious Education Accreditation
The MACS Leadership and Religious Education (LRE) Pathway is an online in-service program which has been developed to meet the requirements to gain Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School (CECV). The program is offered by Catholic Theological College (CTC) and Yarra Theological Union (YTU) in partnership with Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS).

Who is it for?
- Teachers seeking to gain Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic school
- Teachers aspiring to leadership roles in Catholic schools
- Applicants must be permanent residents of Australia or hold Australian citizenship
- Applicants must be currently employed on a permanent basis as a teacher in a Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Melbourne (teachers employed part-time, no less than 0.6 FTE, are eligible to apply for program costs)
What is the program?
- The LRE Pathway is comprised of 6 modules of online in-service learning.
- Each module includes 5 hours of attendance via Zoom plus 25 hours of personal learning.
- Activities may include synchronous online sessions, discussion groups, directed readings, videos and other resources.
- In each module, participants design and present a personal project related to both the topic and school-based practice.
The 6 modules are offered in the following order:
- Catholic Schools: Leadership and Mission
- Introducing Scripture for Religious Educators
- A Christ-Centred Community: Jesus Christ in the Contemporary World
- Learning, Teaching and Leading in Religious Education
- Catholic Ethics and Person-Centred Decision Making
- Spirituality, Liturgy and Sacraments in Catholic Schools
Is the program sponsored?
Participation in this program is fully sponsored by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS). Please note that Sponsored Study does not include:
- staff replacement costs or study leave
- the cost of repeating a unit
Applicants for Sponsored Study need approval from their Principal. Sponsorship for 2025 is open from 1st September to the 30th September 2024. See the MACS website for details.
Refer to MACS: Sponsored Study Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Fact Sheet for responses to key questions asked by teachers, school leaders and university partners, and additional information about Sponsored Study offered by MACS.