Application and admission
- Contact the Associate Dean (Research)
- Contact potential supervisors
- Complete and submit admission form with appropriate documentation to the Associate Dean (Research)
- Application considered by the University of Divinity Research Committee
- University of Divinity sends student Letter of Offer/Enrolment Summary (if approved)
Confirmation of candidature
- Complete and submit Panel Request Form and accompanying documents to the Associate Dean (Research)
- Confirmation panel meets with student and supervisors
- Confirmation of candidature/upgrade of candidature
- Submission of HREC Ethics Approval (if applicable)
- Regular contact with supervisors
- Participation in approved research seminars/conferences
- Doctoral students: A short presentation at a research seminar prior to submission of thesis
- Submit
- Annual Report Forms by 15 November each year
- Change of Candidature Form (if applicable)
- Annual HREC Progress Report or HREC Final Report (if applicable)
- Three months prior to thesis submission, submit the following form: Intention to Submit and Nomination of Examiners Form
- Submit:
- Thesis Certification and Submission Form
- Thesis: one digital and two identical paper copies for examination
- Examination period
- Thesis sent to examiners, who report within three months
- Candidate responds to examiners’ recommendations (if required)
- University of Divinity Research Committee informs candidate and supervisors in writing of examination outcome
Thesis Lodgement
- Candidate provides the following:
- at least one permanent bound copy and one digital copy of completed thesis
- 50-word abstract for conferral ceremony, 150-word abstract for repository, with up to a dozen keywords
- Thesis Confidentiality and Repository Upload Form
Conferral of Degree
For more information regarding graduation visit the graduation section on the Current Students.