Apply for Admission
- Every applicant’s program is customised to meet their individual needs.
- Students apply directly to the College for admission.
- Students from other University of Divinity colleges enrol through their home college.
- CTC reserves the right to use its discretion in accepting applications for enrolment, in accordance with the University of Divinity Admissions Policy
Application closing dates
Domestic Students
- Semester 1: mid-February
- Winter Intensives: mid-June
- Semester 2: mid-July
Visa Holders
- Semester 1: 15 November
- Winter Intensives: 15 April
- Semester 2: 15 April
How to apply
You will need to attend an interview with a course advisor to discuss your options, choose your course and units of study.
Schedule an interview
- Arrange an appointment with the Registrar (face-to-face or online)
- For the Graduate Certificate in Teaching Religious Education: follow the GCTRE Enrolment Process
- Interested in Research: Discuss your research interests with the Associate Dean (Research)
Prepare for interview
- Get the following documentation ready:
- Proof of citizenship: either your Birth Certificate or current Passport
- Academic/VCE transcripts
- Unique student Identifier (USI) number (students studying in Australia only)
- Sponsor Statement (if a third party is paying some or all of your tuition fees)
- Other documents (as required)
- Overseas Students: Click here for additional steps
Attend an interview
- Discuss your options
- Choose your course
- Payment must be arranged at time of enrolment. Click here for more information.