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Areas of Study: Biblical Studies

To engage Biblical Studies is to enter the world of the scriptures and to listen to God’s revelation in those scriptures.

At CTC, you begin a biblical journey through foundational units. They are Exploring the Old Testament and Exploring the New Testament with Mark’s Gospel. Once complete, you can dive into a wealth of the Old and New Testaments. You can study prophetic literature, Gospels, letters, and other biblical books. Whether you are studying for personal enrichment or for professional needs, you gain deeper understanding and essential tools for the application of God’s Word to today’s world.

The Humanities play a significant and supportive role in the study of theology. At CTC we focus on those disciplines that directly assist the theological task. Studying the Bible in its original languages of Hebrew and Greek can greatly enrich a student’s understanding of the biblical foundations of theology. Such tasks as reading the text in the language of composition, undertaking textual research, and deciding critically on the most appropriate English version of an expression can be stimulating and enriching. The student comes to a greater appreciation of sacred scripture as the inspired Word of God. The study of Latin enables the student to come to a more confident understanding of significant Church texts, from the works of Church fathers such as Augustine, to the documents of the Second Vatican Council and more recent Church pronouncements.


Biblical Studies units can be undertaken in most of CTC courses. Please view our courses for more information.

Old Testament units

Exploring the Old Testament

The Pentateuch

The Prophetic Literature

The Psalms and Wisdom Literature

See also Supervised Reading Units which are available to students who have the prerequisites of level 3/9 study and wish to pursue a particular topic in the Old Testament.

New Testament units

Exploring the New Testament with Mark’s Gospel

The Gospel of Matthew: Challenge and Mission

The Lukan Narrative

The Gospel of John

Letters of Paul

The Letter to the Romans

Hebrews, Revelation and the Jewish Scriptures

See also Supervised Reading Units which are available to students who have the prerequisites of level 3/9 study and wish to pursue a particular topic in the New Testament.

Biblical Studies units

Introduction to the Bible for Teachers

for Graduate Certificate in Teaching Religious Education students only

Biblical Language units

Hebrew A

Hebrew Reading A

New Testament Greek A

Greek Reading: Narratives

Introductory Ecclesiastical Latin A

Hebrew B

Hebrew Reading A

New Testament Greek A

Greek Reading: Narratives

Introductory Ecclesiastical Latin A

Additional information

Page last updated at 2:56pm on 27 March 2025