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Areas of Study: Pastoral Studies

Pastoral Studies is concerned with applying theological studies to teaching and ministry, and is particularly suited for students who are involved in or preparing for pastoral ministry. Dedicated units assist students to reflect on the psychological and anthropological aspects of ministry. Students can also apply for credit towards their studies for supervised pastoral practice in approved units of Clinical Pastoral Education.


Pastoral Studies units can be undertaken in most of CTC courses. Please view our courses for more information.


Pastoral Studies I: A Theory of Pastoral Practice

Pastoral Studies II: Pastoral Care and Spiritual Leadership

Leadership for Transformation and Social Change

Pastoral Leadership for a Safe Church

Christian Faith and World Religions: Inter-religious Dialogue in Australia

Spirituality and Wisdom in Practice

Teaching Meditation and Prayer

Children’s Spirituality and the Refugee Experience: A Practical Theology

Pastoral Mission and Outreach in a Ministry Context (18 points)

Pastoral Mission and Outreach in a Ministry Context (36 points)

Homiletics: Theory and Practice

Master’s Capstone Unit: Pastoral Ministry Today

Supervised Reading Units are available to students who have the prerequisites of level 3/9 study and wish to pursue a particular topic in Pastoral Studies.

Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is a program of education and formation for the professional work of pastoral and spiritual care practitioners. For more information visit the University of Divinity’s Clinical Pastoral Education page.

Page last updated at 12:54pm on 27 March 2025