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Areas of Study: Philosophy

Studying Philosophy will confront you with perennial questions about the human person, the world and God that have fascinated great thinkers for over 3,000 years. From the probing and enquiring mind of Socrates, to the lofty visions of Augustine and Aquinas – from the radical challenge of Descartes and Hume in the Enlightenment, to critique of Nietzsche and the unsettling postmodernism of Heidegger and recent continental thinkers in the last hundred years. The Philosophy program at CTC will introduce you to these figures, and the questions they continue to pose to us. It will enable you to engage in rational enquiry and reflection both on the Christian tradition, and on contemporary issues that confront us in our secular world.


Philosophy units can be undertaken in most of CTC courses. Please view our courses for more information.

Specialist degrees


An Introduction to Philosophy for Theology

Academic Writing, Critical Thinking, and Logic

An Introduction to Ethics and Natural Law

Philosophy of the Human Person and Society

Ancient Philosophy

Medieval Philosophy

Medieval Philosophy Elaborating Faith: Thomistic Metaphysics and Ethics

“Good Teacher, What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?” Medieval Theories of Beatitude


‘In the Image of God he Created Them’: Medieval Theories of Human Transcendence, Cognition, Emotions and Value

Early Modern Philosophy

“The Whole is a Riddle, an Enigma, and Inexplicable Mystery”: David Hume’s Philosophy of Religion

Twentieth-Century Philosophy: Existentialism, Phenomenology, and Hermeneutics

Recent Issues in Continental Philosophy

Resilient Transcendence: Modern Philosophical Disputes on Human Nature

Philosophy of God

The Big Questions: Metaphysics

Metaphysics and Epistemology

Epistemology: Theories of Knowledge, Language, Interpretation, and Science

Masters Capstone Unit: What Has Athens To Do With Jerusalem? God and the Reasoning Human in Western Philosophy

Supervised Reading Units are available to students who have the prerequisites of level 3/9 study and wish to pursue a particular topic in Philosophy.

Page last updated at 2:25pm on 27 March 2025