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Areas of Study: Systematic Theology

Theology has been described as “faith seeking understanding” (St Anselm of Canterbury). Systematic Theology studies the great mysteries of the Christian faith, leading us to an ever-deeper appreciation and understanding of the person of Christ. Building on the solid foundation of Biblical Studies, Systematic Theology holds in creative tension a profound commitment to the Revelation of God made known to us in Christ, a deep sense of the living Tradition we have inherited, and an urgent commitment to proclaim the message of life to the world in which we live.

In this way, we seek to understand our faith so that we can share this gift with others and contribute to the “building up of the Body of Christ” (cf., Ephesians 4:12). At Catholic Theological College, students of systematic theology are invited to enter into an exciting journey of discovery as they study the great themes of Christian faith, including: Creation, Revelation, the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Church, the Sacraments, and Eschatology. Along the way, students acquire skills they need to continue the journey with confidence, long after their formal studies are completed.


Systematic Theology units can be undertaken in most of CTC courses. Please view our courses for more information.


Introducing Catholic Theology

Ecclesiology and Ecumenism

The World of the Church Fathers: History, Theology, Spirituality

Christian Faith and World Religions: Inter-religious Dialogue in Australia

The Cracking of Christendom: Histories and Theologies of the Reformation

Liturgical and Sacramental Theology

Liturgical Leadership in Context

The Theology and the Liturgical Use of Icons

The Sacramental Theology of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Eucharist and Anointing

Baptism, Confirmation and Penance

Marriage and Orders

Jesus Christ: Revealer of the Triune God A

Jesus Christ: Revealer of the Triune God B

Theology of the Human Person

The History and Theology of Marian Doctrine and Devotion

God: Origin and End

Theology and Religious Education through Art

Introduction to Theology for Teachers

The Liturgy and the Sacraments of the Catholic Church

Identity and Mission for a Synodal Church

Doing Theology: Engaging With the Catholic Theological Tradition

Catholic Pedagogy in Religious Education

Being Followers of Christ: Sacramental and Moral Life

Supervised Reading Units are available to students who have the prerequisites of level 3/9 study and wish to pursue a particular topic in Systematic Theology.

Page last updated at 3:50pm on 27 March 2025