Christian Spirituality opens up for us the treasures of the Catholic tradition from the earliest times to the present day – including such well-known and popular figures as Hildegard of Bingen, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross. Spirituality seeks to appreciate how the Spirit enlivens the Christian.
The Spirit in-spires the individual, enabling one to become like Christ as a child of God. This inspiration can be experienced in the simplicity of a humble prayer and the profundity of mystical contemplation. The same process of inspiration takes place in the whole body of believers gathered in the liturgical assembly, as we become more like Christ, manifesting to others the fruits of his Spirit – ‘love, joy, peace …’ This is theology as a lived experience.
In an age when spirituality is often understood as something eclectic and individualist, unrelated to Church, the study of spirituality at CTC opens some of the great treasures of the Christian tradition. Being able to move freely up and down the Christian centuries, one discovers something of the true freedom of the children of God. Enriched by this tradition, Christian Spirituality is not confined to personal growth, but issues forth in witness and service to others.
Online Information Session
Monday 2 September 2024 at 7.30pm. Visit our Information Sessions page for more information.
Specialist Degrees
Spirituality units can be undertaken in most of CTC courses. Please view our courses for more information.
Meditation: The Evolving Tradition
Meditation and Wellbeing
Children’s Spirituality and the Refugee Experience: A Practical Theology
Human Ageing: Theological and Spiritual Perspectives
Ageing Persons and Pastoral Care
Ethical Issues and Human Ageing
Masters Capstone Unit: Spirituality Today
See also: