Current Students
CTC has a number of study tools and resources available to help you make the most of your student experience. You can use these to ensure you are aware of key dates, policies and other expectations during your study from how to enrol in units or update your personal details, to grading and assessment information.
Study options
Undergraduate courses
Are you searching for your first degree? We’ve got a range of courses to get you started.
Postgraduate courses
Are you returning to study, and wanting something special in Theology, Philosophy, Education, Spiritual Care or Spirituality?
Research courses
Are you wanting to apply your academic talents by shaping scholarship?
Compare our courses
Compare the available courses you can study at Catholic Theological College.
Manage your enrolment

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is a friendly and conscientious group of students elected to represent and serve the students of CTC in various ways.
University of Divinity graduate attributes
The University of Divinity approved five graduate attributes in 2012 and these continue to provide strong guidance. The attributes shape all the university’s courses of study with each course and unit of study aligning its learning outcomes with the graduate attributes. These attributes establish the university’s aspirations for all of its graduates.

Additional information
- All postgraduate and HDR students are invited to attend CTC Staff/Postgraduate seminars.
- All staff, postgraduate and HDR students are invited to attend University of Divinity Philosophy Discipline seminars that concentrate on philosophy and scholarship in the history of ideas.
- HDR students and their supervisors are invited four times a year to HDR seminars provided by CTC. These events include some research-seminar activities, updates of progress, raising of issues and sharing of experiences and challenges. This is a valuable collegial event.
- The University of Divinity Research Conference is an annual gathering of faculty and HDR students providing attendees with an opportunity of presenting a short presentation of current research.
- Please see our Events Calendar for more information.
ARK Learning Management System
- ARK is the University of Divinity’s online Learning Management System.
- For more information please read the ARK guide (see right).
- Note that the units in which you are enrolled will not be visible until 7 days prior to your first class.
- You will lose access to your completed units approximately a month after end of semester.
- If you have any difficulties, contact the Learning Support Coordinator or visit the ARK support page
Academic integrity
Your responsibility as a student or staff member of the university is to adhere to academic integrity and the Code of Conduct. For more information visit CTC Student Essentials on ARK.
Graduation Information
University of Divinity holds graduation ceremonies each year, at which students graduate in person or in absentia (in their absence). CTC looks forward to celebrating with our graduands in person where possible at the Melbourne ceremony.
Graduands have the choice to graduate in person or in absentia at one of the ceremonies.
- CTC will contact potential graduands before the graduation process.
- Once eligibility is confirmed, students have to opt-in to graduate at a graduation ceremony.
- There is no cost for attending the ceremony, apart from hire or purchase of academic dress.
- All graduating students are advised to check the graduation page on the University of Divinity website for information concerning graduation, or contact the Registrar.
Upcoming Graduation Ceremonies
- Date: Thursday 13 February 2025
- Time: 6pm (ACDT)
- Venue: St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide
- Date: Friday 21 March 2025
- Time: 7.30pm (AEDT)
- Venue: St Patrick’s Cathedral, East Melbourne
- Date: Friday 30 May 2025
- Time: 4pm (AEST)
- Venue: St John’s Cathedral, Brisbane
2024 graduates

Academic documents
Students can obtain their academic documents throughout their studies and during and after graduation.
- A Testamur (a unique certificate recording the award of the degree, diploma or certificate): Contact the University of Divinity
- An academic transcript (a record of all units and courses of study attempted, and the results): Contact the University of Divinity
- An Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (a record that has international recognition as a statement of study undertaken in Australia): Contact the University of Divinity
- Enrolment Summary (pdf): Contact the Academic Records Office
- Other inquiries on eligibility to graduate: Contact the Registrar
Census dates
The census date is the final day on which students can withdraw from a unit and receive a refund of tuition fees, and have the unit removed from their academic transcripts. Students who withdraw from a unit after the census date for that unit will not receive a refund of fees and will have the unit recorded on their academic transcript. The census dates for standard 12-week semester-length units are listed in the key dates for the academic year. Every unit is assigned a census date.