Mission and Ministry
CTC offers a range of units and courses tailored to parish life and liturgical ministries suitable for experienced and beginning leaders, staff, and volunteers.
We offer introductory and enrichment programs in areas of parish ministry, liturgy and catechesis, pastoral and spiritual.
You can develop your skills and pursue your research interests.

Ideal for
Pastoral associates
Pastoral workers
Parish leadership team
Parents and catechists
Sacramental teams
Liturgy and RCIA coordinators
Bereavement and funeral teams
Safeguarding committees
Undergraduate courses for beginning your theological journey
Explore our other undergraduate courses.
Graduate courses for beginners
Explore our other graduate courses, including: counselling, leadership, and spiritual direction.
2025 units of study
Pastoral Care
- Pastoral Studies I: A Theory of Pastoral Practice
- Pastoral Leadership for a Safe Church
- Pastoral Supervision
- Clinical Pastoral Education
- Christian Spirituality A and/or B
- Meditation and Wellbeing
Theology and History
- Introducing Catholic Theology
- Vatican II: A Pastoral Council for a Synodal Church
Biblical Studies
- Exploring the Old Testament
- Exploring the New Testament with Mark’s Gospel
- Introduction to Liturgy
- Liturgical Leadership in a Ministry context
- The Theology and the Liturgical Use of Icons