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Graduate Diploma in Theology

The Graduate Diploma in Theology (GDTheol) allows students to explore areas of interest in theology. It provides a substantial foundation for further study and a means of engaging Christian thought and traditions. Graduates are able to articulate insights for Christian practice and identity.

Course learning outcomes

Graduates of the Graduate Diploma in Theology:

  1. have knowledge of sources, terms and concepts required for theological engagement;
  2. have research, analysis and communication skills applicable to theological studies;
  3. apply skills of interpretation to a range of texts with awareness of context, implications and application to historical and or contemporary issues;
  4. apply relevant theological and hermeneutical skills in clearly articulating insights into life, work and community.
Course structure

The Graduate Diploma in Theology consists of 144 points comprised of:

  • 72 points of foundational units in three disciplines from at least three fields
  • a further 72 points
Admission criteria

Successful completion of an undergraduate degree, or a Graduate Certificate in Theology.

  • Full-time: 1 year
  • Part-time: 3 years

Available in classroom, mixed and online modes.

2025 tuition fees

$3,268 per 24-point unit.

Fees are subject to change from year to year.

For more information, please visit the Fees page.

Graduate pathways

Graduates may be eligible to proceed to a Masters award. Graduates who have included a Minor Thesis (16000 words) in their course may be eligible to apply for admission to a higher degree by research.

Additional information
Page last updated at 4:56pm on 2 December 2024

Graduate Diploma in Pastoral and Spiritual Care

The Graduate Diploma in Pastoral and Spiritual Care (GDPSC) provides students with the opportunity and skills for reflective and critical engagement in the conversation between the texts of human experience, contemporary culture, ministry or service or wider societal context, and Christian scriptures and tradition. The purpose of this engagement is to encourage the development of relevant, flexible strategies for effective pastoral mission and practice in partnership with all those who seek to serve the world through individual or systemic practice.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Graduate Diploma in Pastoral and Spiritual Care:

  1. have knowledge of sources, terms and concepts required for theological engagement and articulate the nature of practical theology as a method of biblical and theological inquiry
  2. apply  their own experience and practice (personal or professional) to social and behavioural sciences and / or cultural studies and offer an integration of these with the Christian tradition
  3. have skills to explore issues of Christian identity, personal vocation and self-understanding through the methods and practices of theological reflection and dialogical engagement with their ministry and mission context
  4. apply advanced pastoral helping skills with a developed capacity to engage in the processes of theological reflection.
Course Structure

The Graduate Diploma in Pastoral and Spiritual Care consists of 144 points comprised of:

Program 1

Program 2

Admission Criteria
  • Successful completion of an bachelor degree, or an approved equivalent; or
  • Has obtained a Graduate Certificate from the University of Divinity
  • Full-time: 1 year
  • Part-time: 3 years

Available in classroom, mixed and online modes.

2025 Tuition Fees

$3,268 per 24-point unit.

Fees are subject to change from year to year.

For more information, please visit the Fees page.

Additional Information
Page last updated at 3:08pm on 26 November 2024

Graduate Diploma in Spirituality

The Graduate Diploma in Spirituality (GDS) allows students to explore their own spiritual experience in light of theological scholarship in spirituality.  It provides a substantial foundation for further study.  Graduates are able to articulate insights for Christian practice and identity.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Graduate Diploma in Spirituality:

  1. have engaged with personal spiritual experience in light of key themes and approaches in spirituality;
  2. have skills and capacities in research, reflection and communication of key themes and approaches in spirituality;
  3. have knowledge of the dynamics of the spiritual life through reflection on personal spiritual experience, integrated with key themes and approaches in spirituality;
  4. apply key themes and approaches in Christian spirituality to understanding life, work and community.
Course Structure

The Graduate Diploma in Spirituality consists of 144 points at postgraduate level including at least 96 points in the discipline of Spirituality or Spiritual Direction.

Admission Criteria

Successful completion of an undergraduate degree, or an approved equivalent.

  • Full-time: 1 year
  • Part-time: 3 years

Available in classroom, mixed and online modes.

2025 Tuition Fees

$3,268 per 24-point unit.

Fees are subject to change from year to year.

For more information, please visit the Fees page.

Additional Information
Page last updated at 3:20pm on 26 November 2024

Graduate Diploma in Divinity

The Graduate Diploma in Divinity (GDDiv) allows students to explore multiple areas of interest in divinity and its associated disciplines or to engage with one or two areas in depth. It serves as a foundation for study of theology or philosophy and disciplines which are associated with them.

Note: This award may be used as an exit point from eligible students enrolled in a Masters degree who meet the admission requirements.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Graduate Diploma in Divinity:

  1. have advanced knowledge in one or more areas of divinity and associated disciplines
  2. have research, analysis and communication skills applicable to postgraduate study
  3. apply skills of interpretation to texts or concepts
  4. apply judgement based on theory, practice and tradition to contemporary issues.
Course Structure

The Graduate Diploma in Divinity consists of 144 points of foundational or elective units.

Admission Criteria
  • Successful completion of an bachelor degree, or an approved equivalent; or
  • Has obtained a Graduate Certificate from the University of Divinity
  • Full-time: 1 year
  • Part-time: 3 years

Available in classroom, mixed and online modes.

2025 Tuition Fees

$3,268 per 24-point unit.

Fees are subject to change from year to year.

For more information, please visit the Fees page.

Graduate Pathways

Graduates may be eligible to proceed to a Masters award. Graduates who have included a Minor Thesis (16000 words) in their course may be eligible to apply for admission to a higher degree by research.

Additional Information
Page last updated at 3:08pm on 26 November 2024

Graduate Certificate in Spirituality

The Graduate Certificate in Spirituality (GCS) allows students to understand personal spiritual experience through introductory study of themes and approaches in Christian spirituality.  It serves as a foundation for further study in spirituality or spiritual direction. Graduates are able to articulate insights for Christian practice and identity.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Graduate Certificate in Spirituality:

  1. have engaged with personal spiritual experience in light of foundational themes and approaches in spirituality and / or spiritual direction;
  2. have knowledge of the dynamics of the spiritual life through reflection on personal experience, integrated with foundational themes and approaches in spirituality and / or spiritual direction;
  3. apply the insights of Christian spirituality to understanding life, work and community.
Course Structure

The Graduate Certificate in Spirituality consists of 72 points comprised of:

Admission Criteria

Successful completion of an undergraduate degree, or an approved equivalent.

  • Full-time: 6 months
  • Part-time: 2 years

Available in classroom, mixed and online modes.

2025 Tuition Fees

$3,268 per 24-point unit.

Fees are subject to change from year to year.

For more information, please visit the Fees page.

Additional Information
Page last updated at 3:09pm on 26 November 2024

Graduate Certificate in Teaching Meditation

The Graduate Certificate in Teaching Meditation (GCTM) is designed for those seeking to learn the methods and skills of teaching meditation and meditative prayer in a variety of situations including primary and secondary schools, parishes, hospitals and other settings. The course includes the history and practice of meditation and lectio divina and provides an opportunity for students to reflect on their own spiritual gifts.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Graduate Certificate in Teaching Meditation:

  1. have knowledge of the practice of meditation and lectio divina in the Christian tradition;
  2. have knowledge of the relationship between spiritual and psychological factors, and methods for developing them as an integrated whole;
  3. have capacity to critically engage with the Christian prayer tradition in relation to the contemporary context including other spiritual traditions and scientific perspectives;
  4. apply and assess appropriate models of prayer and meditation in various pastoral contexts;
  5. apply and reflect on the communication skills required to lead meditation in a range of contexts.
Course Structure

The Graduate Certificate in Teaching Meditation consists of 72 points comprised of the following three units.

  • DS8600C Meditation: The Evolving Tradition
  • DS9611C Teaching Meditation and Prayer
  • DS9620C Meditation and Wellbeing

The GCTM is accredited by the Meditation Association of Australia.

It fulfils the membership requirements for Meditation Australia. Please note that individual applicants for Meditation Australia membership must verify that they have completed a minimum of two years of personal meditation practice.

Meditation Australia logo

Teacher Accreditation

Teachers should check with their local education office.

Admission Criteria

Successful completion of an undergraduate degree, or an approved equivalent.


Part-time: 2 years



2025 Tuition Fees

$3,268 per 24-point unit.

Fees are subject to change from year to year.

For more information, please visit the Fees page.

Additional Information
Page last updated at 3:09pm on 26 November 2024

Graduate Certificate in Teaching Religious Education

The Graduate Certificate in Teaching Religious Education (GCTRE) prepares graduates to teach religious education. It provides graduates with knowledge of the disciplines, principles, practices, and traditions that form the basis for religious education. It is designed specifically to meet the requirements of CECV Policy.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Graduate Certificate in Teaching Religious Education:

  1. have a foundational knowledge and skills in theological disciplines of importance for teaching religious education.
  2. have enhanced their capabilities to engage with particular faith traditions and spirituality.
  3. have ability to communicate religious traditions to students by drawing critically on appropriate sources.
  4. apply knowledge of contemporary approaches to the learning and teaching of religious education.
  5. apply their knowledge to religious awareness and faith formation of students and the formation of religious identity in a school community.
2024 Course Structure

Students complete the following four units (undertaking one unit per semester over 2 years):

  • BS8602C Introducing the Bible (16 points)
  • CT8605C In Dialogue with the Catholic Tradition: Foundational Theology for Teachers (16 points)
  • CT9606C Being Followers of Christ: Sacramental and Moral Life (24 points)
  • DR8600C Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Religious Education (16 points)
Course Structure from 2025

Students complete the following four units (each worth 18 points), undertaking one unit per semester over 2 years:

  • BS8610Z Introduction to the Bible for Teachers
  • CT8620Z Introduction to Theology for Teachers
  • DT8630Z Introduction to Moral Theology for Teachers
  • DR8640Z Introduction to Religious Education for Teachers
Accreditation and Sponsorship
  • Victorian Catholic Dioceses:
    • Accreditation: GCTRE is eligible for teacher accreditation as it can be used to satisfy accreditation to teach in a Catholic school.
    • MACS Sponsorship: GCTRE is eligible for sponsored study by MACS. Sponsored Study Support is for 2 years: 2023 – 2024 or 2025 – 2026.
    • Other Sponsors: check with your local education office
  • In other dioceses
    • Accreditation and Sponsorship: Check with your local education office.
  • Further questions? Contact your education office.
Admission Criteria

Successful completion of an undergraduate degree, or an approved equivalent.


Part-time: 2 years


Online synchronous

2025 Tuition Fees
  • 16-point unit: $2,178
  • 18-point unit: $2,451
  • 24-point unit: 3,268

Fees are subject to change from year to year.

For more information, please visit the Fees page.

Graduate Pathways

Graduates may proceed to study at Graduate Diploma or Masters levels.

Additional Information

Page last updated at 10:13pm on 19 January 2025

Graduate Certificate in Theology

The Graduate Certificate in Theology (GCTheol) qualifies students in theological study by developing or deepening their knowledge and skills in theological disciplines. It serves as a foundation for further study and a means of critically engaging Christian thought and traditions. Graduates are able to articulate insights for Christian life and social engagement.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Graduate Certificate in Theology:

  1. have knowledge of sources, terms and conceptual frameworks required for theological engagement;
  2. have research, analysis and communication skills applicable to theological studies;
  3. apply skills of interpretation to texts and traditions with awareness of context, implications and application to historical and or contemporary issues;
  4. apply theological and hermeneutical skills in clearly articulating insights relevant to life, work and community settings.
Course Structure

The Graduate Certificate in Theology consists of 72 points comprised of postgraduate foundational units from at least three fields.

Admission Criteria

Successful completion of an undergraduate degree, or an approved equivalent.

  • Full-time: 6 months
  • Part-time: 2 years

Available in classroom, mixed and online modes.

2025 Tuition Fees

$3,268 per 24-point unit.

Fees are subject to change from year to year.

For more information, please visit the Fees page.

Graduate Pathways

Graduates may proceed to a Graduate Diploma in Theology or Master of Theological Studies.

Additional Information
  1. Graduate Certificate in Theology on the University of Divinity website
  2. Regulation
Page last updated at 3:09pm on 26 November 2024

Graduate Certificate in Research Methodology

The Graduate Certificate in Research Methodology (GCRM) equips students to apply sophisticated research skills to complex issues such as the development of a research proposal, gathering of and conceptual processing of research material, and the presentation of a research artefact, such as a dissertation.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Graduate Certificate in Research Methodology:

  1. have a working knowledge of terms, assumptions and approaches to research that are current in selected theological disciplines;
  2. have familiarity with research methods, protocols, practices and ethics;
  3. apply focussed research methods towards complex research issues;
  4. apply writing and communication skills to the presentation of research results.
Course Structure

The Graduate Certificate in Research Methodology consists of 72 points comprised of:

Admission Criteria

Successful completion of an undergraduate degree, or an approved equivalent.


Part-time: 2 years


Available in classroom, mixed and online modes.

2025 Tuition Fees
  • Research Methodologies: $3,268 per 24-point unit
  • Minor Thesis: $6,536 per 48-point unit

Fees are subject to change from year to year. For more information, please visit the Fees page.

Graduate Pathways

Graduates who meet the other requirements for higher degrees by research may be eligible for admission to the Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy.

Additional Information
  1. Graduate Certificate in Research Methodology on the University of Divinity website
  2. Regulation
Page last updated at 3:09pm on 26 November 2024

Graduate Certificate in Divinity

The Graduate Certificate in Divinity (GCDiv) allows students to explore areas of interest in divinity and its associated disciplines. It serves as an introduction to the broad field of study of theology or philosophy and disciplines which are associated with them.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Graduate Certificate in Divinity:

  1. have knowledge of key concepts in one or more areas of divinity and associated disciplines
  2. have basic research, analysis and communication skills applicable to postgraduate study
  3. apply skills of interpretation to texts or concepts.
Course Structure

The Graduate Certificate in Divinity consists of 72 points, foundational or elective units.

Admission Criteria

Successful completion of an undergraduate degree, or an approved equivalent.

  • Full-time: 6 months
  • Part-time: 2 years

Available in classroom, mixed and online modes.

2025 Tuition Fees

$3,268 per 24-point unit.

Fees are subject to change from year to year. For more information, please visit the Fees page.

Graduate Pathways

Graduates may proceed to a Graduate Diploma and Masters levels.

Additional Information
  1. Graduate Certificate in Divinity on the University of Divinity website
  2. Regulation
Page last updated at 3:09pm on 26 November 2024